

Visit our store!

EAP Packages start from £500
EAP And Organisations Start at £65 per counselling session.

*Organisations/Employers please contact us for Direct quotes particularly if you are a small organisation or not for profit, we are open to negotiate a fee to help train and support you!

Business Support Process Mapping Initial Consultation – £250 (1.5 hours)

Mental Health First Aid England Adult & Youth

£300 – Adult & Youth Face-to-Face (F2F): Book Here Now!
£280 – Adult & Youth Online MHFA : Courses include the AFCS CIC Practitioner Resource Pack where available T&C’s apply
£125 – F2F or Online: 1 Day course
£100 – F2F or Online: Half Day course

Suicide First Aid Training

Suicide First Aid Understanding Interventions (SFAUI) 1 Day £120
Suicide First Aid Lite (4 hour workshop/Half Day) £75


Counselling Initial assessments over the phone are FREE!
£25 in all other instances. Counselling (Typically lasts 30-40 minutes)

*Organisations/Employers please contact us for Direct quotes particularly if you are a small organisation or not for profit, we are open to negotiate a fee to help train the people you support!

Counselling Initial assessments over the phone are FREE!
£25 in all other instances. Counselling (Typically lasts 30-40 minutes)

Clinical Supervision:
Hybrid (Face to face or Online) £65 – 1 hour £75 1.5
Trainee Counsellors: £50

FREE Initial Assessment telephone/online. Face to face £25 (Payment required at time of booking)
Unemployed (no savings) £35**
Unemployed (Savings) £40
*Student (self-funded) £40
Student (Funded by others) £45
Employed 1 household income (Tier 1) £50
Employed more than 1 household income (Tier 2) £55

£90 per hour (Each party. Free Initial Assessment with all parties)
£100 (90 Mins)

Couples Counselling – £85 (50 mins)
Family Counselling *£110 (Up to 3 people 50 mins)

Peer Support (Outcomes Star)
Rounds of six sessions £260
Contact us to discuss how we can support your organisation and negotiate costs with a package of support!

MH/Autism Support Advocacy £60 for an initial assessment
Safe and Well Check and Report £150 flat fee (Local area only)

Advanced Counselling bookings of 6 sessions attract a negotiable discount £ payable at the start of sessions. (Dependent on fee scale applicable)**

There is a 10% discount for Students and people 65 years or over.